Thursday, February 11, 2016

Fridge Nazi II

Last night there was some hair in my hospital food. Normally this would be gross, but because I'm neutropenic, there's a risk of infection. Again, my awesome wife came to the rescue with some homemade pirogies.

But get this, I had to wait until Nurse Ratched left the building or was out of sight before the staff would heat up my food. Moreover, she heard me comment on the fact that there was hair in my food and just smirked.

Also, my room is right next to the staff break room. There's a key pad on the door that requires each person to bang a a four-digit access code in order to enter. Picture someone standing outside your room, banging on a door, and slamming it 24/7. There are no sensitive items in that room, and there is no reason to secure the room other than the fact that the staff wants to take a break in private. Depending on the nurse, they might bend the rules and stick a towel in the door to mitigate the noise at night. However, that towel is gone well before 05:00 out of fear that Nurse Ratched might see.

I don't care about the hair in my food, and I don't care about being next to the break room. What I care about is someone doing their best to make people's lives just a bit more miserable than it needs to be. And it's not just me; earlier today I saw her scolding a multiple myeloma patient in his 60s. He committed the cardinal policy sin of sitting in a chair that was meant for the staff and not patients. She then told on him to his nurse, like what you would expect from a child. Koreans have a good phrase for this: 기가 막히다 (Kee ga Mak hee da). Don't Google it; the translation is off. It basically means to be amazed but in a negative way. Like when Matt Damon preaches the virtues of public school but sends his kids to an exclusive, private institution that is meant to insulate them from the real world and start them early down the path of hobnobbing with the 1 percenters.

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