Friday, February 19, 2016

Best Burrito Ever!

14:52: I wake up after a nap and go to the cafeteria that is supposed to close at 16:00. This is very common and they usually stop making food around 14:00. Thankfully there is a Shoppette next door where I can grab something to kill my hunger.

15:12: I return to the cafeteria to nuke my burrito and have a seat, but the door is locked and staff is trying to beat Friday Bay Area traffic. Thankfully they forgot to lock the back door.

Someday, when I feel normal again, I am going to find this exact burrito and see if it tastes as good as it did today. This just might have been the best thing that I have ever eaten in my entire life. Because I still have the infection in my mouth, I haven't been eating much solid food. This burrito was perfect for someone like me. I cut it with a fork and knife, slid it to the right side of my mouth, and chewed it easily because it was soft. Each bite was like a little slice of heaven. My only regret was not buying the entire supply.

1 comment:

  1. Clearly that's a Chimichanga, not a burrito...step up your game sir ;)
