Tuesday, February 7, 2017


I am back in the hospital with a host of infections and the doctors are really at a loss for determining what the main issue is. At this point I am just trying to get through each day and praying for a miracle.

Every day is a slight improvement. When I first arrived, I was delirious and in an overwhelming amount of pain. Although not as bad as the BK virus, the pain was intense; days passed without me even noticing. I could not walk or move without assistance. At this point I still spend nearly all day in bed just craving sleep. Throughout the night I am woken up with constant interruptions and the day is not much better.

I apologize if this update isn't the most coherent. I'm still struggling and probably will continue to struggle for quite awhile. I'm just putting this all in God's hands, praying for a miracle, and am very thankful that I have His strength to keep pushing me through this. Thank you to all those who are praying, and I will try to provide updates when I am able to do so. I also want to thank my wife and family for their support; it is not easy for them to watch me go through this. Yet they are doing a great job, and for their sake too, I hope things turn around soon.