Friday, July 8, 2016

Tis a Good Time for Cancer

After managing to get five hours of sleep, I just woke up from some sharp pain in my joints and skin. While applying topical cream and taking some tylenol, I decided to catch up on the news while waiting for the meds to kick in. I must say that a silver lining to this whole ordeal is that I have managed to stay largely aloof from the US political scene. So far as I can tell, we have the worst of choices in our upcoming election, there are social and political upheavals throughout the country, more violence from radical extremists, and complete and utter chaos looming on the horizon. Perhaps I picked a good time to have cancer; it is a nice distraction from the scene at home and abroad. There seems to be a global pandemic of revolution that is ripe for something bigger.

1 comment:

  1. Exactly correct. It can be upsetting until one considers many of the events aligning with Biblical Prophecies. The unregenerated hearts of people are evil but the grace of God is hope and salvation thru faith in Jesus Christ.
