Thursday, July 14, 2016

False Alarm Confirmed

I am now about to go to bed after being discharged, but it was confirmed that I was called in for a false alarm. I was told that the blood culture was contaminated, and the doctor who called should have recognized the false positive for numerous reasons.

Tonight I read Philippians 1 in a whole new light. Paul notes that it is good and proper to suffer for Christ in that the gospel was made known to the unbeliever while those who believe were strengthened in their faith. v. 12-14. Meanwhile, it is okay to want to go home and see an end to the suffering, but since we must sometimes remain, it is imperative that we remain with in Christ and stay strong in our faith. v. 23-24. Finally, we must remember that as Christians, we will be called to suffer. v. 29.

I realized that at this point, I am no longer a student; there is no law school or upcoming job for which to prepare. Perhaps that will change some day. Yet as of now, my only real job is to remain strong in Christ and see this through. That also entails being a good husband--this is not easy on Yeonsil either. As much as I may suffer, I know that she loves me and she suffers right along side me. Not too long ago, she left our hotel thinking that she might return alone as a widow. She remained by my side afraid to leave for the duration of this stay. She is a great wife, and I pray that circumstances change for my sake and hers as well.


  1. Dear friends,

    We're praying for rest and that your faith keeps being strengthened. You're not alone in this Spiritual battle!

    Raquel and family

    1. Thank you Raquel. We miss seeing you all weekly. Yeonsil and I are thankful for your support and prayers.
