Monday, June 13, 2016

Rough Day

Today was one of those days where everything that can go wrong does go wrong. I pray that this is just a bump in the road, but for the time being, I took a major step back in my progression.

Because of the return of my GVHD, we are starting the steroid process over. That means that we discontinue the taper and return to the full dose. Also, the doctors are uncertain about the exact cause of my GVHD and other side effects that may or may not be correlated. This means additional tests, appointments daily, and regular evening appointments. Just when you want rest the most, cancer deprives you of much needed respite.

As it stands, I have not slept more than three or four hour blocks at a time. I am told the steroids are largely to blame, and I was really looking forward to getting off the medication as soon as possible.

Hopefully this setback will only be minor and in one month, I can look back at this as nothing more than a memory. As for now, I will strive to be thankful for every moment that I am not at the hospital or some other appointment.


  1. So sorry Nate. I will pray that you can at least get some better rest. Steroids are the worst, but they are also the best. A terrible irony of medicine.

    1. It is definitely the most extreme case of necessary evil that I have ever experienced. Thank you for the prayer.
