Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Progression and Setbacks

I continue to be amazed at the horrorshow that is these steroids. Although I am progressing as they wean me off, the side effects from tapering are a major mental and physical blow. I go through periods of sudden energy, followed by complete lethargy; I get irritated easily; my hands shake uncontrollably to the point that I can barely type or write (I have spilled what I was eating several times); I wake up with severe joint pain; and a whole host of other issues that I would rather not discuss. All in all, I am coping and I understand that this is a necessary step towards recovery. I just have to push through this and know that each day I take less and less of the medication is another victory.

Eating has become even more of a chore than ever. The steroids also affect how my body absorbs different nutrients. Because it elevates potassium, I was just put on a low potassium diet. I had no idea the dramatic the effect would have. So much of the healthy fruits, vegetables, meats, and other things that I were eating had high amounts of potassium. There are very few healthy choices with no potassium, but I have managed to find some: onions, lettuce, plums, watermelon, apples, and green beans. The problem is that I don't taste any of them. What I do taste that I'm allowed to eat is pizza (no meat and light on the sauce), cheese, eggs (the only protein that I can really have), hotdogs (goes to show that there must not be much actual meat in hotdogs), and most any carb.

Again, all of this is temporary. As I move off the steroids, things may feel worse, but I am getting better. I just hope things don't get too much darker before the dawn.

On a final positive note, I am able to study and focus for over an hour each day. Also, I have been able to do the elliptical machine and some light calisthenics. I have to be careful because of the joint pain associated with the steroids, but this is a major improvement.

My energy is starting to fade rapidly so I'm going to cut this entry shorter than I had anticipated. Thank you to everyone who reads this and thank you for the constant encouragement through comments, emails, prayer, etc.

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