Monday, October 31, 2016

CMV Continues

It's been a rough few days while dealing with CMV. I have had it before, but because there were other infections thrown in the mix, I never realized how painful CMV was just by itself. Over the past few days I have been so weak that I have had trouble walking up stairs and opening jars or bottles.

Today and yesterday I spent more than half the day at the VA getting IV medicine. I have tomorrow off, but I still have to administer the medicine myself through a portable IV pump. I feel like an animal whose sole purpose is just to maintain its existence. I wake up, take a handful of pills, I then hook myself up to an IV for a couple of hours, then it's time for the lunch medicine, dinner medicine, another couple of hours of IV medicine, and some evening immunosuppressants. There are a precious few hours in the day where I feel somewhat normal and alert. For the remainder of the time, I am either exhausted, but unable to sleep either due to pain or side effects from all the medicine.

This week my biopsy results from the last endoscopy should reveal whether I still have GVHD in my gut. If not, or if it is minor, my oncologist is willing to continue with the prednisone taper. I am fervently praying that I can get off this medication as soon as possible. Although my faith remains strong, I am battling severe despair as I continue this game of hopping from one infection to another. Currently I am on 85 mg of prednisone, 5 mg of tacrolimus, and 1 mg of sirolimus per day. There is also a laundry list of other stuff, but those three are the most problematic.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nathan, it is nice to be able to hear from you, though it has been great to hear regularly from your of my very dearest friends as you know. Ken and I pray for you, Yeonsil and Mom and Dad daily. Today we pray Paul's words from 2 Corinthians 13:14, "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
