Sunday, May 15, 2016

Worse than Chemotherapy

Although this process is far from over, the transplant is already proving to be much worse than previous chemotherapy treatments. The amount of chemotherapy that is given before and after the transplant coupled with the fact that the drugs used are stronger, makes this a very arduous process. Quoting my nurse this morning, "You're going to be a mess until you get out of here." So far, this is proving to be true. Even as I get over one issue, two more develop.

The recovery time will also be much longer. In the past, my immune system was able to return and hasten the healing. This time, the doctors are purposely keeping my immune system low so that I do not attack the donor's cells before they take root. In fact, I will be on immunosuppressants for the better part of a year.

Anyhow, little victories are important. After two days of not vomiting, I think I can put that behind me. Next, I hope to move from IV nutrients to real food.


  1. I hope you get better and feel better soon, so we can enjoy real food together again. Eating yummy food together used to be a great pleasure in our life :) Hanging in there my love.

  2. Keeping you in prayer. Lots of people in northern Virginia praying for you! May the Holy Spirit keep you in His comfort. the Flanagans

  3. stay strong brother. praying for you.
