Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Fun Begins

Yesterday morning I woke up early and began an eight hour final exam. Although not the ideal way to spend my last few hours on the outside, it's nice to have one less test to focus on. And perhaps a little focus elsewhere wasn't such a bad thing. For the past few days I have been praying fervently. Like Christ, I was asking God that if there is any other way please do it.

Many people who read my blog or know me often ask whether I am angry at God for this situation. The answer is a resounding no. First off, there are people in much worse situations than I. While that doesn't help alleviate my personal and present suffering, it does provide perspective. Second, for a fantastic answer to the general question of why bad things happen to good people, read The Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis. My response is must less articulate: "Whoever said that I was good?" Third, we should be thankful for the joys of life rather than victimizing ourselves during hardship. Durable and real suffering allows us to experience how ephemeral this world is while God remains eternal. Finally, there are times where I am angry with respect to the treatment and how it is handled, but I don't blame God for the sins of man or the failures of this world. Again, if you want to take this to another esoteric level, I really suggest reading the Problem of Pain. It's even available in Korean for all my friends in the ROK: 고통의 문제.

Before I try to enjoy my two hours of sleep prior to another vitals check, I'll leave you all with one last note of interest: My specs going in.

  • Body weight: 193.6 pounds - I was really trying to gain weight in a semi-healthy manner.
  • 5k run time: 23:52 - To be honest, this was a week ago. I pushed myself too much, too quickly and blew out my knee. Thankfully, I have two months of RR for the knee. 
  • Weights: N/A - I did some light lifting, but the PICC line prevented anything too strenuous.


  1. Nathan, you never cease to amaze me. I love your insight. God Bless You & Hold the Good Thought.

  2. Thinking of You...Praying for you....Love You
