Monday, March 7, 2016

My Recent Move

This past weekend, a local church arrived at my home and helped my wife and I move our things into storage. It is amazing that a group of people, whom I never met, drove nearly an hour to spend half the day lifting another person's heavy objects free of charge. Did I mention that it was pouring rain?

I used to despise the church. I saw Christians as a bunch of pious, legalistic, and condescending individuals who were too busy looking at the speck in their brother's eye while ignoring the log in their own. All of that changed since I have been diagnosed with cancer. I made the mistake that our society makes: generalizing the Christian faith for the failure of a few Christians (or blaming God for the sins of man). Last week was a reminder that true believers are a living testimony of our loving Father. I have lifelong "friends" who would not do half of what these strangers have done for me.

Thank you to the Evangelical Church of Berkeley. Even in a spiritual wasteland such as Berkeley, California, God and His followers are alive and well.

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