Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Nathan's New Life

Nathan passed from this life on the early afternoon of April 11, 2017.

In looking back at this treatment at the VA hospitals in SF and Seattle, the technical care he received and VA resources have overall been exceptional.  The centerpiece reason for his health demise involves one complication, the fact that his body rejected the bone marrow donation (GVHD).  Even though the bone marrow match was stated to be 100% perfect based on 7 medical factors, Nathan’s body discerned that the bone marrow transplant was foreign and fought it.  There might have been other issues if there was no GVHD but this disease over time was deadly for him.

The GVHD resulted in a constant prescription of immune suppressive medicines which lowered his immunity so his body would not constantly battle the transplant.  But a lower immunity resulted other common illnesses attacking his body.  Common bugs and viruses which normally would be fought off by healthy white blood cells developed into threatening illnesses and weakened his overall health.

Even though he and the people around him were diligent in cleanliness, these tiny deadly agents would creep into his environment and attack him.  For example, he had a portacath inserted into his chest to make it easier to administer medicine, draw blood and for dialysis treatments.  The port is mostly made of plastic.  But plastic can become breeding grounds for fungi over time when not consistently cleaned while mixed with air, water and fluids.  Therefore, if a port was not used for some time, the doctors wanted to remove it even if it was sealed.  The doctors could never predict if the GVHD would ever be fully resolved, meaning, to some degree, it could last a lifetime.

On a personal note, we will miss Nathan greatly as we loved him so much. He strove for a different outcome as he fought hard and overcame many issues to live for over 3 years since the initial AML diagnosis.  He fought for life up the the last hour but the multiple complications overwhelmed his exhausted physical tent.  We have many memories of him during his life and particularly these 3 years which will live on in our memory.  The Bible is clear that Nathan’s new life is free of cancer and illness – his family and all creatures groan for this new life which he now enjoys.


  1. I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of Nate. He and Yeonsil were good friends of my wife and I. I did not get to chat with him as much as I would have liked over the past year, unfortunately. Most of us who served in Korea together, regardless of branch, have a very close bond and treat each other as family. I feel as though I have lost a brother today. Both my wife and I send out our condolences to everyone close to Nate. If there is anything we can do please let me know.

  2. I am so heartbroken that Nate is gone from this earth, but at the same time I know he is finally free of pain. I hurt so badly for his parents and Yeonsil right now. Prayers for you as you grieve this incredible loss.

  3. Last Sunday, at church I thought of Nate when Question 1 of the Heidelberg Catechism came on the screen. The church we would walk to in college had this one question and answer printed on their bulletin each week.

    Q. What is your only comfort in life and in death?

    A. That I am not my own, but belong - body and soul, in life and in death - to my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ. He has fully paid for all my sins with His precious blood, and has set me free from the tyranny of the devil. He also watches over me in such a way that not a hair can fall from my head without the will of my Father in heaven; in fact, all things must work together for my salvation. Because I belong to him, Christ, by His Holy Spirit, assures me of eternal life and makes me wholeheartedly willing and ready from now on to live for Him.

  4. I am so thankful for your friendship Nathan...and I am beyond proud of how well you fought. You taught me a lot about God, and my faith is greater now as a result of our friendship. I never stopped believing in a miraculous healing for you on this side of Heaven...but like you said in a recent post...God's ways are higher than our ways, and God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts.

    I will never forget you...and I eagerly await the day we will be united again in the Kingdom.

    Rom 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us .

  5. I am so sorry for your loss. My continued prayers for Nathan's wife and family.

  6. it brings me grief and tears to find out that he has gone. I don't know what to think or say, but I know that he is in a better place. I can't imagine what his family is going through. I pray that God will grant you peace.

  7. I don't know where to begin. Over the past 11 months I had the privilege of getting to know Nathan. Took care of him from time to time at the hospital. We had some good talks. He was a man of integrity and loved his wife deeply. I was amazed at his persistent faith in God. He really had a grasp of his love for him. To the point that even though he was going through immeasurable suffering he could still thank God and would say, "As long as God is glorified, this is all worth it." He was an inspiration and even though I'm sad that he left this life too soon in my opinion. I am thankful that he is with the Lord and relieved of all his pain and suffering forever. We will miss you Nathan, but look forward to seeing you in eternity.

  8. I shared this group with Nate in the hospital and he really enjoyed their music. Young Oceans,
    Christ to thee we run.
    "When these days of shadow pass
    And suffering is no more!
    A fire in the dark will glow
    And Christ our souls restore"

    1. Thank you for shared this song with Nathan when he was in the hospital and now here with us. I am listening to this song everyday and thinking of him. Thank you for took a good care of him physically and spiritually. I will never forget you, Doug.

  9. I shared this group with Nate in the hospital and he really enjoyed their music. Young Oceans,
    Christ to thee we run.
    "When these days of shadow pass
    And suffering is no more!
    A fire in the dark will glow
    And Christ our souls restore"

  10. I am sorry to hear about the loss. Though I only met Nate very recently, I consider it a privilege and an honor to have met him and to receive updates. My heart is broken at the news, yet I'm thankful that Nathan pressed on until the end. Since it's Good Friday, I think of Christ's conquering sin and death through His finished work on the cross. And I am reminded that He promises us hope - hope that surpasses all comprehension; hope that one day, "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away." My prayers are with Nathan's family and friends.

  11. Very sorry to hear this news. I will miss Nathan for now, but look forward to seeing him again one day in heaven.

    Thank you for keeping us all updated.

    With love,


  12. I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of Nate. He and Yeosu were good friends of my wife and I. I did not get to chat with him as much as I would have liked over the past year, I am so heartbroken that Nate is gone from this earth, but at the same time I know he is finally free of pain. I am so thankful for your friendship Nathan...and I am beyond proud of how well you fought. You taught me a lot about God, and my faith is greater now as a result of our friendship. I consider it a privilege and an honor to have met him and
    to receive updates.
